The data warehouse (DWH) for the procurement area encompasses a wide range of data, but they all have in common that they are related to procurement transactions. This applies both to the merchandise aspect in terms of quantities received and to the financial aspect, where we refer to recorded invoices/credit notes.
The dataset also contains data on supplier credits issued, as well as the amount of dependent costs, which can be separated into types and thus group transport costs separately from customs-related costs, depending on the ERP system.
Additionally, it is possible to display discounts/rebates received from suppliers, as well as initial prices.

All metrics can be viewed chronologically in total or for a specific period (quarter, month, year, or even on a daily basis).
Suppliers can be grouped by various characteristics, and some of the suggestions include by country of origin, by managers, by payment currency, and so on.

When it comes to merchandise transactions, they can be separated by warehouses for more precise receipt tracking. The lowest level of tracking is the batch or batch itself, or if the client wishes, it can be elevated to a higher level on the document itself.
Amounts can be displayed both in the original currency and in additional reporting currencies, all according to the client's preferences and the original data from their ERP system.